The Four MOST EFFECTIVE Journaling Prompts for Faster Weight Loss

There’s a better way to journal that actually moves you forward in your weight loss journey. And it starts by asking yourself effective questions, like the four prompts I’m sharing in this free guide!

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    The Four Most Effective Journaling Prompts for Faster Weight Loss

    There’s a better way to journal that actually moves you forward in your weight loss journey. And it starts by asking yourself effective questions, like the four prompts I’m sharing in this free guide!

    Enter your first name and email address to have the guide delivered directly to your inbox today:

      Wanna know the secret to consistent weight loss?

      You’re consistent with your journaling, your calories, your water, your sleep and your exercise… so why aren’t you seeing consistent weight loss?

      Because some days you’re journaling for gratitude, some days you’re “vomit journaling,” some days you’re free writing about everything else that’s going on in your life, and some days you’re just keeping track of your day like a diary.

      But targeted, specific, *effective* journaling is the path to consistent weight loss. And it’s easier than you think.

      There are four places you’ll get stuck on your weight loss journey, and four *effective* journaling questions to ask yourself to get unstuck.


      🥳 No more sitting down with your journal and wondering “Is this really helping me lose weight?”
      🥳 No more waiting patiently for the gratitude to kick in.
      🥳 No more staying stuck.

      Effective journal prompts = consistent weight loss progress.

      And I’ve got the effective journaling prompts for you in this FREE guide!

      Hey friend, I’m Pahla B

      I’m the weight loss coach who teaches ambitious menopausal women like you how to journal effectively. With my simple, proven, repeatable processes, you can:

      • wake up each day and know with total confidence that you’re losing weight
      • step on the scale and feel great about the number, no matter what it is
      • make easy choices about what to eat without a hint of restriction
      • take permanent control of emotional eating without using willpower
      • lose weight for the last time and never worry about gaining it back

      Are you ready? Grab the journal prompts and let’s go!



      The Four MOST EFFECTIVE Journaling Prompts for Faster Weight Loss