You’re struggling, and your mind is going around and around at a million miles an hour. Wanna know how to get it to stop?

By asking yourself a question (kinda like I just did there in the opening paragraph… pretty cool, huh?)
But not just any ol’ question! Nope. I’ve got the three BEST QUESTIONS to ask yourself when you’re struggling that will help your brain calm the heck down and get back to the business of getting after your GOAL.
We’ll also cover
🦔 WHY asking yourself a question is the best course of action
🦔 HOW to listen for the answers you need to hear, and
🦔 WHAT is really going on with your brain when you’re trying to resolve your struggle
(Btw, I chose the hedgehog emoji because I’m getting a little tired of the ones I always use and this li’l guy is super cute. There’s no hidden message there, I promise!)
TELL ME: What are you struggling with? And how are you moving forward from here?
(Don’t wanna listen? Download the transcript here)
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My 2019 RUNNING Resolution:
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