Ep. 4: Are You Doing ENOUGH?

No matter your goal - losing weight, running farther, etc - there’s always a thought in our minds that maybe we’re not doing enough. And you might not be!

Killer Bs, it’s a question I get asked almost daily, “Am I doing ENOUGH?” And the answer is never as simple as that question seems.

No matter your goal – losing weight, running farther, lifting heavier, etc – there’s always a thought in our minds that maybe we’re not doing enough. And you might not be (according to your brain)!

No matter your goal - losing weight, running farther, etc - there’s always a thought in our minds that maybe we’re not doing enough.  And you might not be!

Today on the Fitness Matters podcast, we’re delving into:

  • Why this question is actually unanswerable
  • How we know what “enough” is
  • What your brain does with questions like this, and (most importantly)
  • How to ask a better question to get better results

(Don’t wanna listen? Download the transcript here)

Find this episode on YouTube (video below) or on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Spotify, and Google Play.

Can’t see the video? Click here to watch it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/IQCzVgZNcO4

Join the Killer B Hive here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/541002382723751/
Weight Loss, Part TWO, Getting STARTED: https://youtu.be/ypBJZye-tUE
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others: https://youtu.be/rM4QvUPlZSQ
Five Steps to Fitness Results: https://youtu.be/59ise-WLZkE
Weight Loss Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFcBoQjnPd4weL8UFVzih33hvz_ZyzNuZ

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Listen to the full episode here, and be sure to leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

Originally aired December 23, 2019
No matter your goal - losing weight, running farther, etc - there’s always a thought in our minds that maybe we’re not doing enough. And you might not be!
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  • Apple

Meet Your Host

Mindset expert and certified life coach Pahla B knows a thing or two about changing your mind to change your weight and your life. She’s the creator of The 5-0 Method, Amazon-best selling author of the book “Mind Over Menopause,” and former yo-yo dieter who has cracked the code on lifelong weight maintenance. Join Pahla B each week for the personal insights, transformative mindset shifts, and science-backed body advice that can help you lose all the weight you want and keep it off forever.